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National Health Center Week: Partnerships and Stakeholders Appreciation Day

August 11, 2023

Today, we’re celebrating CHC’s of Snohomish County’s partnerships with stakeholders.

Health centers have a long tradition of bipartisan support, which continues to be beneficial for advocacy and policy priorities. This support is not limited to the federal level, state and local support for health centers are also integral to their success.

At CHC, we do our best to lead the way as a pillar in our community. It’s our mission to provide our diverse community with access to high-quality, affordable primary health care. When we consider a roadmap to a stronger America, we need all the support we can get from our community and stakeholders to achieve this goal!

CHC works with many partners throughout Snohomish County to reach members of our community facing barriers to receiving quality health care. We come together to help our patients and the community access the resources they need, such as food, housing, transportation, and more.

Here is a short list of our community partners:

Housing Hope (Tomorrow’s Hope Day Care)

Cocoon House

Clare’s Place

Everett Gospel Mission (Women and Children’s Shelter)

Verdant Health Commission

Center for Human Services

ARCORA Foundation

Lake Washington Technical College

Educational institutions (school districts, community colleges, universities, and technical schools)

In addition to the list above, we have four managed care organizations CHPW, Coordinated Care, Molina, and United Healthcare, that we work closely with to provide affordable health care for our patients. These organizations will be present in our clinics throughout the week to assist our patients and non-patients with health coverage questions and our Patient Support Specialists will be available to help with enrollment.

We deeply appreciate our stakeholders and partners, working with us to make our community a better, safer, and healthier place to live.

Watch for daily messages on our social media (Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram) to learn more!
For more information on NHCW, visit www.healthcenterweek.org/.